Este o reteta de muffins din extraordinara carte „The Williams-Sonoma Baking Book”, pe care am adaptat-o si am facut un chec intr-o tava de 20x20cm. Deasupra am pus glazura de ciocolata neagra si am razuit ciocolata alba. A iesit excelent. Pufoasa si buna, cu un gust divin dat de combinatia banana-nuca-ciocolata. Se poate servi langa o cafea (o cescuta mica este de ajuns!). Poate fi servit cu succes si intre mesele copiilor, ca snack, langa un iaurtel. Vor fi incantati.
– 235g faina (1 1/2 all- purpose flour)
– 185g zahar (3/4 cup sugar)
– 90g nuci taiate (3/4 cups walnuts coarsley chopped)
– o lingurita jumate bicarbonat (1 1/2 tsp baking soda)
– un praf de sare (1/4 tsp salt)
– 125ml ulei de nuci sau de canola (1/2 cup walnut oil or canola oil)
– 1 ou mare (1 large egg)
– 3 banane mari si bine coapte, paserate, in jur de 315g (3 medium to large very ripe bananas, slightly mashed to yeld 1 1/4 cups)
– 3 linguri de zer sau iaurt (3 Tbsp buttermilk or yogurt)
– 100g ciocolata si 2 lingurite de unt (100g chocolate and 2 tsp unsalted butter)
– 50g cioclata alba (white chocolate)
Mod de preparare: Se preincalzeste cuptorul la 190C (375F) si se unge cu putin unt fundul unei tavi de 20×20 sau se pune hartie de copt.
Intr-un bowl, amestecati faina cu zaharul, nucile, bicarbonatul si sarea.
Intr-un alt bowl, bateti oul impreuna cu uleiul, piureul de banane si zerul/iaurtul pana cand compozitia devine omogena. Adaugati amestecul de faina si bateti bine pana cand compozitia devine omogena si cremoasa.
Turnati aluatul in forma de copt pregatita si coaceti 25-30 minute, o scobitoare introdusa in mijlocul checului trebuie sa iasa afara curata cand este copt.
Lasati sa se raceasca in forma vreo 5 minute.
Ca sa faceti glazura, amestecati untul cu ciocolata taiata bucatele si topiti-le intr-un vas termorezistent deasupra unei oale cu apa care fierbe (bain-marie).sau topiti ciocolata la microunde. Amestecati pana se omogenizeaza. Turnati glazura calduta deasupra, incepand din centru si acoperind toata suprafata. Decorati cu ciocolata alba razuita.
Lasati la rece 30 de minute, apoi taiati felii si serviti.
Preheat the oven to 375F (190C) and greas a 20by 20cm baking tin with butter.
In a bowl, stir togheter the flour, sugar, walnuts, baking soda, and salt
In another bowl, whisk togheter the egg, oil, mashed bananas and buttermilk/yogurt until blended. Add the flour mixture and beat well
until evenly combined and creamy.
Pour the batter into prepared pan. Bake 25-30 minutes. A toothpikc inserted into the center of the cake should come out clean.
Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes.
To make the glaze, combine butter and chopped chocolate and melt in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water (bain-marie) or in a microwave. Whisk until blended. Slowly pour the warm glaze over the center of the cake and cover the surface. Decorate with white chocolate curls.
Refrigerate 30 minutes. Cut into slices to serve.