Aceeasi Marie, cu alta palarie… cine spune ca „palaria”, adica prezentarea, nu conteaza, se inseala singur. Daca ar fi sa alegeti care dintre cele doua deserturi sa serviti, care ar fi acela? Sa presupunem ca portia de coacaze ar fi la fel pentru amandoua.
– 90g unt; 6tbsp/ 3oz unsalted butter at room temperature
– 125g zahar; 1/2cup/4oz sugar
– 2 banane bine coapte; 2 ripe bananas mashed
– 3 oua mari; 3 large eggs
– 125ml iaurt degresat; 1/2 cup/4fl oz buttermilk
– 315 g faina; 2 cups/10 oz all-purpose or plain flour
– 1 lingurita bicarbonat; 1 tsp baking soda
– 1 lingurita praf de copt; 1 tsp baking powder
– 1/2 lingurita sare; 1/2 tsp salt
– 1 lingurita nucsoara macinata; 1 tsp ground nutmeg
– 90g nuca taiata; 3/4cup /3oz coarsely chopped walnuts
– 90g ciocolata; chocolate
Preincalziti cuptorul la 180C. Ungeti formele de briose/muffins cu unt sau ulei.
Preheat the Oven to 350F. Greas the muffin cups with butter or oil.
Mixati untul cu zaharul la viteza medie, pana cand devine cremos (untul trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei).
Using a mixer, beat together the butter and sugar on medium speed until creamy.
Adaugati banana si ouale si amestecati bine, apoi puneti iaurtul degesar si combinati pana cand compozitia este omogena.
Add the banana and eggs and beat until smooth. Add the buttermilk and beat until combined.
Intr-un bowl amestecati faina cu bicarbonatul, praful de copt, nucsoara, sarea, nuca si bucatelele de ciocolata.
In a bowl, stir together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, nutmeg, salt, nuts, and chocolate chips.
Adaugati faina la compozitia cu banana si amestecati.
Add the flour mixture to the banana mixture and beat until combined.
Turnati aluatul in formele de briose/muffins, umpland cam 3/4 din fiecare.
Spoon the batter into each muffin cup, filling it three-fourths full.
Coaceti 20-25 minute, pana cand briosele/muffins devin aurii, fermi la atingere. O scobitoare introdusa in centrul unei briose, trebuie sa iasa afara curata.
Bake the muffins until golden, and springy to the touch, 20-25 minutes. A toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin should come out clean.
Lasati sa se raceasca 5 minute, apoi scoateti din forme si lasati sa se raceasca complet.
Let the muffins cool for 5 minutes, and then unmold the muffins and let cool completely.
Serviti cu fructe proaspete, gem sau sos de fructe.
Serve with fresh fruits, jam or fruits sos.
![briose nuca banane ciocolata](
![briose nuca banane ciocolata](
![briose nuca banane ciocolata](
![briose nuca banane ciocolata](